UPC Print has adopted to the environmental standards of ISO 14001, Nordic Svanen Marking and PYR registered recycling processes. UPC Print was a forerunner in Emas European environmental projects and procedures, but we have gone much further than these mechanical certificates. We have our own developed printing and pushed paper technology developed to reach real and remarkable environmental impacts. We have reduced the use of energy and raw material for many clients up to 50% without harming the quality and impressions by the customer. We have reached levels of printed product where there is even less carbon impact than the electronic media. We are developing hybrid technology and printed electronics, which further decreases the negative environmental impact compared with the electronic devices of today. We work with customers to produce products according to the Three E's (Economical, Effective & Ecological).
At UPC Print, we work with some of the leading businesses across the globe, boasting high volume capabilities and quality products. We work with our costomers to deliver the right product to the right audience. Below are some examples. View more about our products here.
The UPC Center is a uniting structure for UPC Print, UPC Media and UpCode. Each specializing and innovating in knowledge based systems, real time management and vertical and horizontal integration systems to bring seamless products/solutions to the consumer/client. Click here to find our more.
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